Wednesday 15 July 2009

SNSD ft. Super Junior

When I saw this:I thought "WOW THAT'S WOOKIE IN A WIG NEXT TO TAE YEON?!"
and now that all I can think is "Ryoewook looks bad as a girl" :C

it is a trauma for my mind ha.
D'espairsRay UK leg of their EU tour has now begun!
If anyone is going to see them tomorrow, i will be there~ I will also be handing these out possibly tomorrow, and at their London show on saturday!

I completely forgot to blog about these when i got them in the post haha.

SO if you can't tell what that is, it is a nice fat pile of flyers for Miyavi's upcoming EU tour at the end of the year, where he will of course be coming back to London for a show! See you there!