Saturday 27 June 2009


I thought this would be a nice idea to keep everyone up to date with whats going on in the Korean music industry atm~ C:

Looks like it isn't going too well at the moment for the korean music industry...
With the mass of complaints made against Hyori's new poster campaign, complaints have been made by the korean public that the posters are too slutty, shameful and inappropriate and should all be removed as soon as possible, and now SM has had to change the album cover for SNSD's latest release because of a scandal regarding the plane used on the front. With this I am unsure of what exactly the problem is, but I think it has been complained that the plane was used as a japanese bomber in WWII and that it is very inappropriate to have on the album cover.

Now onto the boys;
from SHINee has been hospitalized. He is ok now, but he is just one of the many boys who (normally under SM :/) has been rushed into hospital because of being over worked. This doesn't come as a shock to me as he is one of many boys who ends up in hospital because of exhaustion...At least we can be glad there hasn't been an idol sucide for a while :/ Is it me or do they normally tend to be the girls??

NOW, to say that it is not all bad news at the moment for the industry C: 2NE1 and 4minute have announced there is no contest between them and both groups are doing amazingly well! I personally love them both and cannot wait to hear more from them and see the new generation of girl groups in korea~~ There is some sexy heat between Rain and Megan Fox and Wonder Girls are off to tour USA! And SNSD have paid respects to S.E.S. and SHINee to Michael Jackson with cover songs and dances~

here is something to make you smile!!

Friday 5 June 2009

So look what came for me in the post yesterday!
If you look more closely, you can see this:
Yeah its a package from london, or more specifically, UNIVERSAL RECORDS!!

and then innnssiiddeee:
I have to give these out! Posters and flyers for the UK leg of D'espairsRay's next EU tour. I will be putting these up in venues to promote mainly the Bham show of the tour (as that is the closest of the 3 to me). I would happily send some out to people if you guys want :3 I will deffinately be keeping a poster for myself haha

For those of you who don't know, D'espa will be back on these dates:

15th July: Academy 3, Manchester

16th July: The Rainbow, Birmingham

18th July: Garage, London

If you would like to get some flyers/posters for the UK shows D'espa will be doing, or to help promote any of the other UK shows, send your details here and you will recieve flyers/stickers/posters/etc of all the upcoming UK jrock shows~

I gave out a LOAD of AnCafe flyers, but I have about a bajillion left if anyone would like one...? Let me know!